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Thursday, November 14, 2013
What Are the Health Benefits of Coconut Water During Workouts? - Video
Coconut water has a variety
of different health benefits that you should definitely familiarize
yourself with. Find out about the health benefits of coconut water with
help from a health and fitness coach in this free video clip.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Gain Muscle Without Gaining Fat – Here’s How
You Need a Map to Get You Where You Want to Go
The first thing you need to do to gain muscle without gaining fat is to have a very clear map of where you’re going, where you’ve been and what lies between the two. That map is a careful record of your diet and your training from week to week. I’ve said many times that what gets measured gets managed. The same thing is true from the opposite direction; what doesn’t get measured often becomes unmanageable.
What I mean by that is that if you’re not tracking your progress, you’re very likely to get several weeks down the road and find that you’ve gained too much fat but you have no idea where you went wrong. Now you have a ton of work to do in the cutting phase to make up for your mistakes along the way. Even worse, since you don’t know exactly what you did that caused you to gain that extra fat, you’ll probably repeat the mistakes the next time around.
But if you’re tracking your macros, your calories, your training volume and everything else, you’ll be able to spot problems right away. If you’ve gained too much fat this week, it’s pretty easy to look back over your activity of the last week and see what happened. Then you can immediately take action to correct the problem before it becomes unmanageable.
Without that tracking, you can’t spot problems before they get out of hand and you won’t know what caused them either.
What Needs to Go On Your Map
Your training journal isn’t just a way for you to track your progress now; it’s also a way for you to plan your program tomorrow. The trial and error, mistakes and triumphs of this bulking phase will help you to design a better plan for the next one.
To do that, you need to track some very important information about how you’re eating and how you’re training. You need to keep track of your macros and how your calories are distributed, not only how they’re distributed between proteins, carbs and fats but how they’re distributed throughout your day. This way, if you gain a little too much fat you might look at your numbers and decide that maybe you should cut your carbs by 200g or stop eating carbs after 6pm. If the action you take fixes the problem, then it becomes part of your plan the next time around.
You need to track your training sessions, including your workout specifics, how much cardio you’re doing and what kind and how you’re timing your workouts. If you gain too much fat, you can look over your journal and decide whether you need to extend your cardio sessions or maybe add some HIIT sessions to your program. Again, if it corrects the problem, you might want to make it part of your plan from the get-go for your next bulking phase.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it gain now: this is all just as much an art as it is a science. You have to learn by doing and sometimes you learn more from your missteps than you do your successes.
You have to try different things when you’re manipulating all of the variables that go into bulking (or cutting for that matter), but first you have to know what those variables are. You have to have hard numbers in front of you so that you know what you’re doing right, what you’re doing wrong and what works to correct any problems.
You know the expression, “Nipping the problem in the bud?” This is how you gain muscle without gaining fat; by fixing the problems as they come up, not several weeks down the road when you’ve already gained 30% more fat than you were planning. It’s a whole lot easier to recover from gaining an extra pound of fat than it is to recover from gaining ten.
The beauty of it is that you’ll know more the next time you bulk than you do this time. And you’ll know even more the time after that, as long as you’re tracking your progress, you know the numbers behind your variables and you can identify what worked to correct any issues.
Article Directory:
Visit Vince's website to learn more about how to gain muscle without fat.
Or watch this brand new video revealing how to gain muscle without fat.
Time Management Techniques and Definition
Maybe because you don't know how to use those 24 hours to your advantage. If you use these skills well, then you will be able to function exceptionally well, even under intense pressure. Developing time management skills is a journey that may begin with this Guide, but needs practice and other guidance along the way. Your main source of problems or your major breakthrough may still be hiding in your blind spot. What you really manage is your activity during time, and defining outcomes and physical actions required is the core process required to manage what you do.
Tips for time management
set priorities and manage your time to meet deadlines
Handle people and projects that waste your time
Action Plans and Prioritized - To Do Lists help you focus on the most important short term activities.
Prioritize assignments - When studying, get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task.
Make Sure the Surroundings are Conducive to Studying: This will allow you to reduce distractions which can "waste time." If there are times in the residence halls or your apartment when you know there will be noise and commotion, use that time for mindless tasks.
Time management provides you with the opportunity to create a schedule that works for you, not for others. This personal attention gives you the flexibility to include the things that are most important to you.
If using your time wisely is a problem for you, you probably don't have a very good idea of where it all goes. It just seems to go! A good place to start, then, is to keep track of how you use your time. Get a Weekly schedule (available in the Learning Skills corner of the Counseling and Testing Center's Career Library) and faithfully keep track of how you use your waking hours for one week. The results will probably surprise you.
Successful leaders in almost every field organize each day according to the priority assigned to the activities to be accomplished. Make sufficient copies of the Daily Activity Guide to insure a two-week supply, and use the form as an aid in planning each day's work.
The objective is to change your behaviors over time to achieve whatever general goal you've set for yourself, such as increasing your productivity or decreasing your stress. So you need to not only set your specific goals, but track them over time to see whether or not you're accomplishing them.
Put things that are most important at the top and do them first. If it's easier, use a planner to track all of your tasks. And don't forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments.
Visualize your long term picture of success and put it in writing. Review your goal frequently. Your goal should be specific, measurable, achievable and compatible with where you are now. There should be an end date as well. Steven Covey calls this "Begin with the end in mind."
Planning your day can help you feel more in control of you life. Write a to-do list, putting the most important tasks at the top. Keep a schedule of your daily activities to minimize conflicts and last-minute rushes.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Healthy Fat Is Critical To Bodybuilding Success
By Ron Stucky
A basic understanding of a daily diet including dietary fat should
be a key aspect of an amateur bodybuilders knowledge set. However, I
have known several bodybuilders well enough to realize they do not pay
this too much attention. They consciously try to eradicate a majority of
fat from their diets. To make matters worse, they do not take-in the
right kinds of fats, on a daily basis, that their bodies need for
maximum health. In this manner key nutrients are not being consumed.
Actually, proper nutrition is pivotal due to the intense nature of their
There are good and bad fats, and most of us have a pretty good handle on how to tell the difference. Bodybuilders, just like everyone else, need to include unsaturated fats rather than saturated animal fats. It's important to note that many of our nutritional needs like the Omega fatty acids have to be met through our diet.
Collectively the Omega acids are known as EFA's or the Essential Fatty Acids. Wild salmon and tuna are an outstanding source of the polyunsaturated Omega 3s essential fatty acids. Other sources include flax seeds, walnuts, kiwi fruit and certain meats. Mental functions and cardiovascular wellness are supported by Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Important supplements, such as EFA's, have been focused upon because of their importance in regard to hormone levels. This is something that bodybuilders should certainly be concerned about. However, it is also known that essential fatty acids play an important role with bones and joints. To directly improve the mineralization of bone mass, EFA's must be taken as a regular supplement. Our quality of life is, in part, dependent upon our joint health which should be important to everyone, not just bodybuilders. People that do a great deal of weight training put excessive stress on their joints and therefore are very interested in strengthening their bones.
Increasing testosterone levels in your body can usually be achieved by taking some bodybuilding supplements. You can actually avoid the need for such a supplement by simply eating a certain amount of foods containing saturated fats. We all know that you should not have too high a daily level of saturated fats. To sustain your cholesterol levels, and produce testosterone regularly, eating a proper daily amount of saturated fats is recommended. Therefore, it is unnecessary to spend extra money on various supplements such as testosterone enhancing products if you follow this regimen.
For anyone looking to gain mass, you may want to think about adding a measured quantity of dietary fat into your diet. If you have totally eliminated saturated fat, then you do need some so you can add some there. To increase your calorie consumption, you may want to think about consuming more EFA's. A tablespoon of flax seed contains 120 calories of essential fatty acids. This is an easy way to boost your daily caloric intake. It's important to get a small amount of saturated fats into your diet as well. If you are just starting out with bodybuilding, dietary fat intake is critical due to the added stress placed on your body. It is key to educate you self using quality sources of dependable information. The degree to which you are earnest about the sport will determine your knowledge set. Dedication does not mean you must compete: that is up to you. If you dedicate yourself to creating the body you desire it should be done effectively.
There are good and bad fats, and most of us have a pretty good handle on how to tell the difference. Bodybuilders, just like everyone else, need to include unsaturated fats rather than saturated animal fats. It's important to note that many of our nutritional needs like the Omega fatty acids have to be met through our diet.
Collectively the Omega acids are known as EFA's or the Essential Fatty Acids. Wild salmon and tuna are an outstanding source of the polyunsaturated Omega 3s essential fatty acids. Other sources include flax seeds, walnuts, kiwi fruit and certain meats. Mental functions and cardiovascular wellness are supported by Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Important supplements, such as EFA's, have been focused upon because of their importance in regard to hormone levels. This is something that bodybuilders should certainly be concerned about. However, it is also known that essential fatty acids play an important role with bones and joints. To directly improve the mineralization of bone mass, EFA's must be taken as a regular supplement. Our quality of life is, in part, dependent upon our joint health which should be important to everyone, not just bodybuilders. People that do a great deal of weight training put excessive stress on their joints and therefore are very interested in strengthening their bones.
Increasing testosterone levels in your body can usually be achieved by taking some bodybuilding supplements. You can actually avoid the need for such a supplement by simply eating a certain amount of foods containing saturated fats. We all know that you should not have too high a daily level of saturated fats. To sustain your cholesterol levels, and produce testosterone regularly, eating a proper daily amount of saturated fats is recommended. Therefore, it is unnecessary to spend extra money on various supplements such as testosterone enhancing products if you follow this regimen.
For anyone looking to gain mass, you may want to think about adding a measured quantity of dietary fat into your diet. If you have totally eliminated saturated fat, then you do need some so you can add some there. To increase your calorie consumption, you may want to think about consuming more EFA's. A tablespoon of flax seed contains 120 calories of essential fatty acids. This is an easy way to boost your daily caloric intake. It's important to get a small amount of saturated fats into your diet as well. If you are just starting out with bodybuilding, dietary fat intake is critical due to the added stress placed on your body. It is key to educate you self using quality sources of dependable information. The degree to which you are earnest about the sport will determine your knowledge set. Dedication does not mean you must compete: that is up to you. If you dedicate yourself to creating the body you desire it should be done effectively.
About the Author:
Ron Stucky is a expert blogger known for writing on a variety of subjects. His high-quality work can be seen at my lead system pro
and on MLM Success
Healthy Eating -The Key To A Happy And Balanced Life
By Bob Steele
There are many ways to work on yourself and make improvements, but
the best place to start is by eating in a healthier way. It's common for
people to drag themselves around not feeling as energetic as they'd
like. The simple fact is that your body requires certain nutrients to
function at its best. Without the right balance of nutrients, your body
can't perform at its true potential. Naturally, you also have to make
sure you get regular physical activity and get as much sleep as you
need. Feeling your best is a matter of living in a balanced way, and
this starts out with a natural and healthy diet. The purpose of this
article is to introduce you to some effective ways you can easily
improve your daily diet.
Many people nowadays tend to overeat; so aside from eating healthier foods, cut back on your portions if you tend to overindulge. By consuming smaller amounts, you'll probably find it's easier to eat in a more balanced way. This can give you the ability to focus more on your favorite foods. If you're in the habit of ordering a super sized meal when you go out, you're definitely a victim of this trend. Now, of course, it's not just fast food joints that practice this, as lots of restaurants now dish out massive portions. A plate that is literally piled high with food is not a moderate serving. There's no law saying you have to finish what's put in front of you -you can always ask the server to wrap up some of it for you.
When starting a new diet, an eating schedule can be an effective way to add structure to it. An irregular eating pattern can wreak havoc on your body's internal rhythms. Eating too much junk food is often the end result of skipping meals, Wisely chosen snacks like nuts and fruits are a great way to avoid junk food between meals. Numerous people consume food at the very least as a result of loving the flavor. A wondrous feature of our life is consuming food. If you realize that a particular food is not healthy for you, eat less of them. It is not necessary to cut-out everything that isn't totally healthy. One way, and perhaps the most simple, is looking at your diet and seeing where you eat the most unhealthy fats, sugars and salts. The next step is to decide how to start reducing your consumption of them. Manageable to do, this idea will not hurt very much.
Some natural foods advocates recommend changing how you choose the foods you consume. This natural foods school uses a single factor to decide whether or not a certain food is worthy of consumption. If you want to follow this way of thought, you have to exclude any foods that weren't around in the 19th century. This doesn't mean we have to eat exactly as people did back then; you can use a new recipe, but it has to only contain traditional foods. This would exclude many of the convenience foods many of us have come to take for granted. If you follow this advice, you're also supposed to avoid all but three areas of the supermarket. The three permitted sections are the produce case and the meat and dairy sections.
Many businesses rake in lots of money by offering people solutions to eating the right foods, losing weight, etc. The fact is, if you use common sense and eat in moderation, you can transform your diet and health without spending much money. The main factors to keep in mind are moderation and avoiding unhealthy and overly processed foods. There are many ideas about weight loss, but the most effective involves a healthy, natural diet and moderate portions. Exercise is also essential if you want to lose weight, but all it takes is moderate but consistent activity along with a healthy diet.
Many people nowadays tend to overeat; so aside from eating healthier foods, cut back on your portions if you tend to overindulge. By consuming smaller amounts, you'll probably find it's easier to eat in a more balanced way. This can give you the ability to focus more on your favorite foods. If you're in the habit of ordering a super sized meal when you go out, you're definitely a victim of this trend. Now, of course, it's not just fast food joints that practice this, as lots of restaurants now dish out massive portions. A plate that is literally piled high with food is not a moderate serving. There's no law saying you have to finish what's put in front of you -you can always ask the server to wrap up some of it for you.
When starting a new diet, an eating schedule can be an effective way to add structure to it. An irregular eating pattern can wreak havoc on your body's internal rhythms. Eating too much junk food is often the end result of skipping meals, Wisely chosen snacks like nuts and fruits are a great way to avoid junk food between meals. Numerous people consume food at the very least as a result of loving the flavor. A wondrous feature of our life is consuming food. If you realize that a particular food is not healthy for you, eat less of them. It is not necessary to cut-out everything that isn't totally healthy. One way, and perhaps the most simple, is looking at your diet and seeing where you eat the most unhealthy fats, sugars and salts. The next step is to decide how to start reducing your consumption of them. Manageable to do, this idea will not hurt very much.
Some natural foods advocates recommend changing how you choose the foods you consume. This natural foods school uses a single factor to decide whether or not a certain food is worthy of consumption. If you want to follow this way of thought, you have to exclude any foods that weren't around in the 19th century. This doesn't mean we have to eat exactly as people did back then; you can use a new recipe, but it has to only contain traditional foods. This would exclude many of the convenience foods many of us have come to take for granted. If you follow this advice, you're also supposed to avoid all but three areas of the supermarket. The three permitted sections are the produce case and the meat and dairy sections.
Many businesses rake in lots of money by offering people solutions to eating the right foods, losing weight, etc. The fact is, if you use common sense and eat in moderation, you can transform your diet and health without spending much money. The main factors to keep in mind are moderation and avoiding unhealthy and overly processed foods. There are many ideas about weight loss, but the most effective involves a healthy, natural diet and moderate portions. Exercise is also essential if you want to lose weight, but all it takes is moderate but consistent activity along with a healthy diet.
About the Author:
Bob Steele is a well-known blogger who writes informative articles
on different topics such as marketing, online business, home business,
network marketing etc. Checkout his article on mlm marketing
and on mlm marketing
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
How To Quit Smoking - When You Have No Support
So you want to quit smoking, and there are other smokers in your life, work and environment, but they are not supporting you, in fact they are actively thwarting your efforts.

They may be using their smoking as a form of power and control over you, they may see your success as their failure, or perhaps they are just not very nice people.
The reasons don't really matter, what is of importance is that you want to quit for yourself, and that you ignore these people who do not have your best intentions at heart, and that is being nice to say the least. A less polite thought may be that these people would be happy to see you die a slow painful death.
They mightn't speak or say it in those terms but that is exactly what they mean.
So what do you do? You must quit, you can't give in on yourself just because others are happy to keep poisoning selves. You must be true to yourself and your future.
You can imagine how difficult it would be going cold turkey with others smoking around you, taunting you, and challenging you to not smoke. If you are an incredibly strong individual then you might just make it. But as long as you remain with these people you will always be one step away from lighting up.
Or you could load your arms and shoulders with nicotine patches, the problem is that most people will still smoke with patches on so all you end up with is a body and brain full of nicotine and you are still smoking.
Hypnosis will set you up to not just be a non smoker but to be able to be around smokers and not want to join them. You won't find their second hand smoke pleasant, but no non smoker ever does.
However during the hypnosis session you will be given a suggestion that will have you just feel sorry for the smokers, and that when you see one light up a cigarette it will make you feel good, you will feel better about your decision to quit the more others smoke, even if they smoke right in your face.
This will have an interesting effect on the non supportive smokers in your life. Your success may annoy them but soon they will stop bugging you and perhaps they may be inspired by your determination.
Article Source:
They may be using their smoking as a form of power and control over you, they may see your success as their failure, or perhaps they are just not very nice people.
The reasons don't really matter, what is of importance is that you want to quit for yourself, and that you ignore these people who do not have your best intentions at heart, and that is being nice to say the least. A less polite thought may be that these people would be happy to see you die a slow painful death.
They mightn't speak or say it in those terms but that is exactly what they mean.
So what do you do? You must quit, you can't give in on yourself just because others are happy to keep poisoning selves. You must be true to yourself and your future.
You can imagine how difficult it would be going cold turkey with others smoking around you, taunting you, and challenging you to not smoke. If you are an incredibly strong individual then you might just make it. But as long as you remain with these people you will always be one step away from lighting up.
Or you could load your arms and shoulders with nicotine patches, the problem is that most people will still smoke with patches on so all you end up with is a body and brain full of nicotine and you are still smoking.
Hypnosis will set you up to not just be a non smoker but to be able to be around smokers and not want to join them. You won't find their second hand smoke pleasant, but no non smoker ever does.
However during the hypnosis session you will be given a suggestion that will have you just feel sorry for the smokers, and that when you see one light up a cigarette it will make you feel good, you will feel better about your decision to quit the more others smoke, even if they smoke right in your face.
This will have an interesting effect on the non supportive smokers in your life. Your success may annoy them but soon they will stop bugging you and perhaps they may be inspired by your determination.
Article Source: