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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

3 Simple Cardio Workout Tips For Weight Loss

Real, rapid weight loss comes from a combination of diet, exercise and sheer determination.

As much as we'd like to believe it, there is no instant program that will hack off the poundage within a day or two. Nope, our bodies just don't work that way.

However, there are ways to optimize cardiovascular exercise over a short period of time so you see the results you want quickly. Here are three tips:

Tip #1. Figure out the best cardio workout scheme for you. Our bodies are not created equal - you probably know this already if you browse fashion or bodybuilding shows every now and then.

You can find several online tools to track workouts that will help you record your body measurements and fat percentage (body mass index), monitor your workouts and nutrition intake. Being aware of this information can help you monitor the effectiveness of the different levels of exercise that you do. You will be better able to tell whether fat is burned or muscles are developed from particular workout intensities.

This knowledge is especially useful in that it will help you to pinpoint the fat burning exercises that work best for your body.

A key point you will want to be aware of is that low intensity cardio workouts do burn fat. However, you need to build up to that optimum heart rate, and maintain it - the entire process takes longer than it would for a high intensity cardio workout to get the same results. Of course you will need to exert yourself more to perform high intensity cardio workouts - and you will feel the burn.

Tip #2. Mix it up. There's no rule that says you must stick to either only the low or the high intensity workouts to get the best results. In fact there are several physical trainers who recommend programs that alternate low intensity workouts with high intensity workouts.

You can also mix up the two intensity levels within the same workout. You can push yourself at the beginning of the workout, quickly reaching high intensity, and then slow down once your heart rate is at the desired pace, maintain that heart rate / intensity for longer than you would be capable of maintaining high intensity exercises.

Tip #3. Have fun. The cardio workouts that achieve the best results are those that keep things interesting. Most people think of working out as a chore, which is why so many never reach their fitness goals.

Don't fall into a boring routine; pound the treadmill one day and play two sets of tennis on another, mixing up your high and low intensity workouts in the process. If you're falling asleep on your stationary bike, keep your mind occupied by reading a book or watching TV. You won't realize you've been exercising for over an hour when watching your favourite show while skipping rope or jumping on a trampoline.

To achieve optimum results for rapid weight loss, pair your exercise regime with a balanced diet - and know when to eat to aid your cardiovascular activities. For higher intensity workouts, have some protein in your system but make sure to eat two hours before the exercise and then not again till an hour after. That hour is actually when your body burns fat and eating anything will distract this process.

Also, keep your metabolism up by eating small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals. Diet, exercise and sheer determination - your tools to rapid weight loss that's both safe and successful.

Are your eating habits nullifying your cardio workout and sabotaging your weight loss goals? Visit [] and learn how you can make healthy meal plans [] an effortless part of your weight loss program.

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Cardio Weight Loss Program

A cardio weight loss program is an exercise program made up of aerobic exercises. The cardio programs are ideal for weight management and weight loss as fat is the primary source of energy used. The definition of a cardio exercise is an exercise that elevates your heart rate to a submaximal level, and keeps it raised for an extended period of time.

There has been a lot of research done into what type and frequency of exercise works best for weight loss. The type of exercise should be submaximal in intensity. That basically means your pulse rate should be at 70% of your max during the exercise. This can be worked out with a simple calculation. To work out your maximal heart rate subtract your age from 220., then take 70% of this number to find your ideal heart rate for fat burning. For example, for a 50-year-old, the maximal heart rate is 220-50 which is 170. 70% of 170 is 119. So for a 50 year old the ideal heart rate for weight loss 119 beats per minute.

Depending on your fitness levels, walking or jogging will be the best type of exercise for weight loss. If you are unfit, walking may be enough to get your pulse to the fat burning zone. You may need to jog to raise your heart rate to the desired levels of you are fitter. Other examples of cardio exercises include cycling and swimming.

Research has shown that you should exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, at least 4 days a week for the program to be effective. Anything more than this will only give faster bigger improvements. Anything less and you will not get the full weight loss benefits. You should get to your optimal pulse rate by the first 5 minutes, maintain it for 20 minutes, then spend 5 minutes cooling down and stretching. Cooling down and stretching is important to help prevent muscle soreness and injuries.

So lets put all this together to design you cardio program. You should pick an exercise you enjoy from the examples above. Next find what your optimal heart rate for fat burning is. If possible buy a heart rate monitor so you know exactly how intense you should be exercising. The final step is to set up a timetable and plan out what days you will exercise and set aside 30 mins for each day. You have just designed a simple yet extremely effective cardio weight loss program!

To learn more cardio weight loss programs [] and exercise tips please visit my blog [].

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How to Keep Eyebrow Hair From Falling Out

Our eyebrows frame our face and play an important role in our facial appearance and expressions. If the hair in your brows starts falling out, you are sure to see a difference. See your doctor to rule out medical conditions that may cause hair loss if you notice a sudden difference in your eyebrows. Take steps to slow down the hair loss and regrow the hair if your doctor gives you a clean bill of health.


  1. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet to promote optimum hair health. If your diet is lacking in nutrition, consider taking supplements. Be sure to include plenty of the following nutrients which are necessary for healthy hair growth:
    • Protein
    • Folic acid
    • Vitamins A, C, B3 and E
  2. Apply your eyebrow pencil, or other products used on this area of your face gently, to avoid breaking the hairs or causing them to fall out. Always apply them in the direction that the hair grows, up and out towards your temples.
  3. Stimulate eyebrow hair growth by brushing each eyebrow gently with an eyebrow brush for 2 minutes each day. Brush in the direction of hair growth to avoid damaging the hairs.
  4. Coat your eyebrows with warm oil at bed time to encourage healthy hair growth. Choose almond, castor, coconut or olive oil for the best results.
    • Warm the oil by putting a small amount in a spoon and holding it over a candle flame.
    • Use your finger tip or a cotton swab to apply a liberal coat of warm oil to each eyebrow.
  5. Try applying other home remedies at bedtime if the oil treatments are not working. Some people have had luck regrowing lost eyebrow hair or slowing down the rate of hair loss using:
    • The juice squeezed from a fresh onion.
    • Coconut milk drained from a fresh coconut.
    • A paste made of fenugreek seeds and water.
  6. Promptly treat any skin conditions that develop on your face. Rashes, acne and other skin conditions can all make you want to scratch. Excessively scratching the skin around your eyebrows may lead to damaged and broken hairs.


  • Some medications use to treat depression, arthritis, gout, high blood pressure and heart problems may cause hair loss.
  • Hormonal changes sometimes cause temporary hair loss, which may also effect eyebrow hair. This may occur when starting or discontinuing birth control pills, or during pregnancy or menopause. Hair lost as a result of hormonal changes will typically grow back in a few months after hormone levels stabilize.


  • Avoid over plucking and over waxing your eyebrows. Hair that is continuously removed may eventually stop growing back.
  • Hair loss can be a symptom of a serious medical condition such as diabetes, lupus or thyroid problems, among others. If you notice an excessive amount of hair loss from your eyebrows or other places on your body, see your doctor to rule out medical problems.

Sources and Citations

How to Fix Common Eyebrow Problems

It is important to take care of your eyebrows in order to maintain a polished and appealing appearance. Common eyebrow problems include thick and bushy eyebrows, thin eyebrows and an uneven brow line. It is simple to fix each of these eyebrow problems. 


  1. Pale Eyebrows

    • 1
      Use powder eye shadow on pale eyebrows. The shade that you use should be slightly darker than your natural color. The eye shadow should not be cream-based.
    • 2
      Groom the eyebrows with a brow brush after applying the eye shadow. Adjust the amount of eye shadow that you use if needed.
    • 3
      Avoid using an eyebrow pencil. Often these pencils give your brows a tacky and artificial look.

    Bushy Eyebrows

    • 4
      Wash your face in warm water before you start tweezing bushy eyebrows. Hold a hot washcloth to your brow area in order to open up the pores.
    • 5
      Use a topical anesthetic if you are sensitive to pain. This will numb the area while you tweeze.
    • 6
      Pluck your eyebrows in order for them to extend from your tear ducts to the outer corners of your eye. Try to avoid overly thinning the eyebrows out.
    • 7
      Smooth out your eyebrows with a brow brush. Keep the hairs in place by using a small amount of hairspray or hair gel.

    Uneven Brow Line

    • 8
      Fix an uneven brow line by first brushing your brows with your finger. The hairs should be standing straight up.
    • 9
      Use a pair of nail scissors to carefully snip any uneven brows. Brush the eyebrows straight down and continuing sniping until all brows are even.
    • 10
      Finish by brushing your brows and securing them in place with hairspray or gel.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

5 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Want to know how to lose weight fast? Many people shudder at the thought of spending years on a strict diet and exercise plan in order to lose weight. Although losing weight will always take time and work, there are five easy ways to shed pounds quickly.

Tip #1: Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine

The more water the body takes in, the more fat cells it will shed. A body that does not get a lot of water retains fat cells as an emergency water supply. Caffeine causes a dehydration effect, using up the body's water supply. The more caffeine you consume, the more fat cells the body will keep.

Tip #2: Boosting the body's metabolism is easy and very effective

Foods that are high in protein such as fish, lean beef cuts, and nuts are harder for the body to digest. A higher number of calories are burned when the body must work to process food.

Tip #3: Eat healthy food

Despite what many advertisements say, you will not lose weight eating chocolate cake. Include wide varieties of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet.

Tip #4: Exercise

Cardiovascular exercises are the best for burning calories. Do cardio at least three times a week for a minimum of twenty minutes. Exercising also increases the daily calories used. For every pound of muscle you gain, the body will burn an additional 50 calories thus shedding excess fat more quickly.

Tip #5: Sleep

Giving your body at least eight hours of sleep every night will ensure that you have the energy for each day. A tired mind and body does not bode well for the day's exercise and eating routine. Neither will a sleep deprived body be able to maintain a high metabolism rate.

Drinking water, boosting metabolism, eating nutritiously, exercising, and sleeping well are the five easiest ways to lose weight fast. Adapting your life style to do these things regularly will increase your chances of possessing a healthy body for life.

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Water Aerobics Exercises

A List of Different Water Aerobics Exercises to Help You Get Fit & Stay Cool This Summer

Summer is seemingly the perfect time to get outdoors and exercise. But sometimes the hot temperatures can be too much to handle. When the sun gets too intense, head to the pool for your workout. You can torch calories, burn fat, and sculpt muscles, all while staying cool. 

  1. Running Lunges

    • Running in the summer can leave you overheated. When you work out in the pool, you get resistance from the water, which helps build additional strength and endurance, all while staying cool. You'll want to stay in the shallow end for this exercise. Bring your hands to your hips and step your right foot forward. Bend your knees into a lunge. Stand up and step the left foot forward. Bend your knees again into a lunge. Repeat the movements all the way across the shallow end. On the way back, pick up your pace into a run. Repeat for 5 minutes.

    Squat Jumps

    • Squats and jumps on land can be hard on your knees and ankles. In the water, there is less force and pressure on the joints, so you can perform these moves with less risk of harming the knees and ankles. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. The water level should come up to just under your chest. Your toes should face straight ahead. Squat down until your chest and shoulders are submerged. Hold for one count. Push into your feet and jump up, landing softly back into a squat. Repeat 10 to 12 times.

    Leg Lifts

    • Leg lifts help tone your thighs and core. On land, the legs can be heavy to lift, causing strain on the back. In the water, the legs feel much lighter and you can lift them with greater ease. You may wear a water aerobics vest while doing this exercise. Tread water in the deep end of the pool. Reach your legs straight down, without touching the bottom. Point your right toes and lift your leg up to hip height. Engage your core and keep your spine long, so you don't lean forward towards your leg. Lower and switch sides. Repeat 10 to 12 times. For a modification, stand in the shallow end of the pool. As you raise your right leg, keep your left foot on the bottom of the pool floor.


    • Some core exercises that work deep into the muscles of the core, such as the "V" sit or Pilates teaser, are not always so easy to do on land. When you work out in the water, the force of gravity on your body doesn't feel as strong; thus, you are able to perform the move with greater ease in the pool. You may wear a water aerobics vest while doing this exercise. Stand in the shallow end of the pool. Sit back until your shoulders are just below the surface. Tread water as you lengthen your legs. Let your toes hover just above the surface. Your buttocks should point towards the bottom of the pool but should not touch it. Pull your belly button into your spine and hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Repeat five times.

10 Tips to Help Maintain a Diet on Vacation

Sticking to a diet is always easier when you have complete control over cooking. But going on vacation doesn't mean your diet goes out the window. Though you may have to make some modifications when you're not cooking your own food, there are many ways to keep the calories under control while you're away from home.
  1. Research Before You Go

    • Many chain restaurant websites offer menu information. You might even find calorie content for some items. Take note of items to avoid and those that fit your diet and preferences. For other restaurants, you might learn that they have diet-friendly entrees clearly marked on the menu. Keep the information you learn in mind when choosing where to dine.

    Bring Healthy Snacks with You

    • Bring energy bars and other healthful snacks with you. If you are driving, you can pack fruit and other low-calorie items to help you avoid giving in to vending machine temptation or drive-through desperation.

    Lunch at a Grocery Store

    • A full-service grocery store will have a selection of fruit, yogurt, granola bars and other items that will not derail your diet. Some have salad bars where you can choose your own items and portions, and they may have premade sandwich alternatives such as wraps.

    Be Careful when Ordering Salads

    • Salads can be a low-calorie alternative, but watch out for items that can add a hefty amount of calories and fat. Breaded and fried chicken (often called "crispy") has many more calories than grilled chicken. Other items to avoid include refried beans (common in taco salads), high-fat dressings (blue cheese is a good example) and many kinds of cheeses.

    Watch for Healthful Cooking Methods

    • Opt for grilled meat, seafood or veggies, rather than fried. Be careful of sauces: A white sauce, or anything described as "creamy" is often much higher in fat than a tomato or marinara sauce. Ask if you can substitute veggies for a potato as your side dish.

    Cut Portion Size

    • When eating out, here are several strategies to cut portion size: Try ordering an appetizer as your main meal instead of an entree. Consider splitting an entree with someone else in your party rather than eating the whole thing yourself. Plan to eat half of what you're served and bring the rest home in a doggie bag (or just leave it on your plate).

    Choose Zero-Calorie Beverages

    • Ask for diet soda, unsweetened iced tea, or even a tall glass of ice water with lemon. Save the calories that would be in a tall glass of sweetened soda for some other part of the meal. Restaurants often have tall glasses that already contain more than one serving, and then they refill them for free, which could add up to several hundred calories if you don't order a diet beverage.

    Beware of Alcoholic Drinks

    • Here is another place where research can serve you well. Look up calorie content for your favorite mixed drinks before you set off on your trip. Know which drinks to avoid. Some can have 500 calories in one glass, but others are much lower in calories. Decide ahead of time which drinks you will avoid and stick to your plan.

    Take a Walk

    • Look for opportunities to walk for exercise. Opt for a walking tour instead of a bus. Get up early and explore the area around your hotel on foot. Or take advantage of the hotel pool or fitness room.

    Plan a Minor Indulgence

    • After all, you are on vacation. Plan one or two meals when you will disregard your diet and just enjoy whatever you want. Think of it as a reward for sticking to the diet for the rest of the trip.

How to Maintain Aerobic Fitness

Aerobic fitness allows your body to sustain strenuous exercise for an extended period. Once you achieve your desired level of aerobic fitness, you must take new steps to maintain your body. This requires more than simply performing an exercise routine on a regular basis; you must make small changes to your lifestyle and ensure you provide your body with everything it needs to support muscular maintenance.

  1. Instructions

    • 1
      Set fitness goals for yourself every month. According to the American Council on Exercise, you should exercise for at least 2 1/2 hours total every week. Make this your weekly fitness goal for your first month of active exercise. Every month following, add 15 minutes to your goal until you reach 4 hours of weekly exercise.
    • 2
      Walk for 20 to 30 minutes each day. Walking is a light aerobic exercise that you should include in your routine on top of your weekly hours of exercise. Taking a brisk walk every day will help your body maintain its aerobic fitness levels without extra strenuous exercise.
    • 3
      Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day to keep your body hydrated. In order to maintain its aerobic fitness levels, you must ensure your body has enough hydration to support its muscles. If you do not find plain water appealing, try adding a teaspoon of lemon juice to each glass for flavor.
    • 4
      Lead an active life when you are not exercising. Though aerobic exercise commonly conjures thoughts of fast-paced movement and sweat, small changes will help maintain your fitness levels. Consider taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking further back in the lot to bring more activity to your life.
    • 5
      Take a daily multivitamin to support your body's nutritional needs and supplement your body with the nutrients you do not receive from your regular diet.

About Fitness Frog

This is similar to the fat on your thighs buttocks and in your back under the particular bra line in addition to 2) fat cellular material that lie deeper as part of your body around the particular vital organs (heart, bronchi, digestive tract, lean meats, etc. ) inside the chest, abdomen, and also pelvis. This type of fat is called “visceral” fat and it is dangerous to your quality of life.

Dangers of Tummy fat Two of the largest health challenges coming from having excess belly fat are that these kinds of release toxin into your bloodstream affecting vital organs in the body thus creating a person prone to certain varieties of auto immune diseases for example cancer and arthritis along with increases your danger of developing metabolic affliction of high cholesterol, triglycerides, large blood pressure, diabetes. Burning Tummy fat Understanding the truth about tummy fat helps you ascertain which program is befitting you. Modern day science allows you to get an accurate determination of this visceral fat while using the principle of electric powered impedance and comparability charts.

For your current height, weight and age various systems inside you will conduct as well as impede the flow of an small electrical current based on your body formula. It is easy and inexpensive for getting an accurate reading of your belly or visceral fat. Dieting and exercise can reduce your overall body weight percentage. But to be a busy professional, perhaps facing several stressors in other areas you could have, you should be trying to find diet and exercise programs which have been easy to accomplish, proven effective and isn’t going to require preexisting abilities or fitness quantities. It’s easy to request a no cost wellness evaluation and find customized nutritional recommendation and diet plans. This can be done in person or online Choosing a workout Regime

This is like the fat on your thighs buttocks and on the back under this bra line and also 2) fat tissue that lie deeper within your body around the vital organs (heart, lung area, digestive tract, liver organ, etc. ) inside chest, abdomen, along with pelvis. This type of fat is called “visceral” fat and it is dangerous to your quality of life.

Dangers of Tummy fat Two of the biggest health challenges through having excess abdominal fat are that these kinds of release toxin into the bloodstream affecting vital organs in the body thus generating a person prone to certain kinds of auto immune diseases for example cancer and arthritis along with increases your risk of developing metabolic affliction of high cholesterol, triglycerides, large blood pressure, diabetes. Burning Belly fat Understanding the truth about tummy fat helps you figure out which program is right for you. Modern day science means that you can get an accurate determination of one’s visceral fat when using the principle of power impedance and evaluation charts.

For your height, weight and get older various systems within your body will conduct or impede the flow of your small electrical current depending on your body arrangement. It is not too difficult and inexpensive for getting an accurate reading of the belly or visceral weight. Dieting and exercise can lower your overall body body fat percentage. But as a busy professional, perhaps facing several stressors in other areas in your life, you should be trying to find diet and exercise programs that are easy to accomplish, proven effective and won’t require preexisting ability or fitness levels. It’s easy to request a no cost wellness evaluation and find customized nutritional recommendation and diet plans. This can be done in person or maybe online Choosing an exercise Regime


Portable Fitness Equipment

Since I first began personal training in 1985 people have stated basically the same goals: To lose fat and gain muscle, improve athleticism, heal the body,increase movement skills, spend little money and train whenever and wherever they wanted. I am pretty sure you want the same, but there's a problem. Maybe you travel, it's hard to get to the gym, or maybe you don't like the gym and/or you can't afford to build your own machine laden gym at home? So what do you do? Well the answer has been here for over 30 years. The answer to true physical fitness is portable fitness equipment from the Monkey Bar Gym! Portable fitness equipment has evolved from the light resistance bands and ankle weights they use in aerobic classes. Today portable fitness equipment is literally all you need to get into the greatest shape of your life. Whether your goal is basic overall fitness, strength, conditioning OR high level sports performance you can get it all with portable fitness equipment.

How do I know this? It is all I have ever done and all that my dad Bobby Hinds has ever done. My Dad started the beginnings of portable fitness equipment with the beaded jump rope and training program in 1973, which sparked the Jump Rope for Heart program. He followed it up in 1976 with the first ever Portable Gym. Back in the day people thought my dad was crazy...still do , but he was way ahead of his time. He saw a huge need for people to stay in shape while on the road, traveling, working out at home or outside. He knew that not everyone wanted to workout on machines, or had the money, time or drive to workout in a gym or inside for that matter. So, he took it upon himself to change it and the fitness world has never been the same.

Today, portable fitness equipment can do everything you desire in your fitness training: YOU CAN get stronger, leaner, improve athletic performance, heal & prevent injuries, increase movement skills, spend little money and train anywhere you want, anytime you want!!! Portable fitness equipment can also allow you to follow an online training program, almost like having your own personal trainer! Because of all of these tremendous benefits, portable fitness equipment is a common term in the fitness industry. I feel my Dad and his company, Lifeline USA, are a huge reason for portable fitness equipment being such an integral part of the fitness industry today. I have always believed in portable fitness equipment, so much that I opened up my Monkey Bar Gymnasium in 2001. It is the first hard core strength and conditioning training facility in the country that uses ONLY portable fitness equipment!

"Full body anywhere, anytime training is all we do and all we've ever done" says Monkey Bar Gymnasium, Certified Natural Trainer, Jessica Rucker. "We teach movement mastery first and then add resistance via portable fitness equipment. Using Resistance cables, Kettlebells, Jungle Gyms, Med & D-balls, Jump Ropes, Power Push ups, Power Jumpers, Vertical Jumpers and Power Wheels all add more challenge to basic bodyweight movements, thus taking them to the next level. It's clearly the main reason everyone who trains with us either online or at the Monkey Bar Gymnasium is incredibly fit".

So what exactly is portable fitness equipment? Any piece of exercise equipment that you can easily pack and take anywhere in the world and get a tremendous workout. That is why my dad's first Portable Gym's tag line was "a gym in a bag". Portable fitness equipment gives you a great workout, not just an okay one.
IT WORKS!! A workout with really good portable fitness equipment improves your strength (functional muscle), conditioning (leaner body), sports performance, agility, mobility, stability, strength and power. Want proof, At the Monkey Bar Gymnasium we AVERAGE 17 lbs of fat loss and 5.4 lbs of muscle gain over the first 60 days of training...did I mention, only using portable fitness equipment!

More Proof. On a recent road trip, Jessica and I brought along all of our favorite Portable Fitness Equipment, a Power Push Up, Jungle Gym, TNT Cable, Power Wheel, Power Jump Rope and even the new Lifeline Kettlebell. Yes, the Lifeline Kettlebell. This may not be a true piece of portable fitness equipment, but it is a heavier version, it still is portable and definitely is fitness equipment. On our road trip we really put all of the portable fitness equipment to the test.

Could we drive more than 3,000 miles & get great workouts at the same time? The answer was definitely YES!!Every hour we drove, we stopped and did a killer set with each piece of equipment. One hour we did a set of squat presses with the TNT Cable, the next hour a killer set of chins and rows with the Jungle Gym, the next hour 100 doubles jumping rope as fast as possible, the next hour 40 snatches each arm with the Lifeline Kettlebell. Honestly, it was amazing! Each set only took us 3 minutes! When we would get back in the car we felt incredible! We were totally energized and ready to go and looked forward to the next hour and what we would do. By the end of the day, we had without question, gotten a heck of a workout and we were both tired but very satisfied in knowing that we not only can do these workouts anywhere at anytime, but that working out with Portable Fitness Equipment is the best way to attain ultimate fitness.

The World is your Playground" workout anywhere / anytime (AA), indoors or outside!!!
Lets lay out a Backpack of Portable Fitness Equipment for you to workout AA!!

1) Jungle Gym: Pure bodyweight training: chin ups (assisted to kip ups), push ups, dips, rows, flys, assisting pistols /1 leg squats, leg curls, runners, core rollouts and lots more. One piece of equipment that can do full body training for strength & conditioning! Weight about 1.5 lbs, fits in pocket.

2) TNT Cable: Pure resistance training: squats, full extensions, cable cleans, presses, Russian twists, diagonal chops & lifts, resisted running & backpedaling, 1 arm punches, rows and lots more. Weight about 1 lb., fits in large pocket.

3) Power Jump Rope: Pure conditioning training: probably the single best tool for overall full body conditioning. Weight 1.5 lbs, fits in pocket.

We put them all together in the Portable Monkey Bar Gym. It even includes a comprehensive training DVD.
Add more fun to your BackPack with the following:
The Power Push up: Voted Best piece of exercise equipment by Mens Fitness. Can adjust from 20 to 270 lbs of resistance for your push ups. Weight 2.5 lbs., fits in backpack easily.

The Power Jumper: The Best Jump Training device on the market...and it's portable! Get the Jump Training DVD, it's great. You can do all lower body exercises with it too. Athletes average 6-8" improvements over 12 weeks of training. Weight 2.5 lbs, fits in backpack too.
A Note on the Resistance Cables - 3 big points:

1) Non-Fixed ranges of motion - meaning you must react and balance the resistance, this improves motor function and performance greatly.

2) Progressive variable resistance - as cables lengthen they increase in resistance, creating an excellent balance as your leverage becomes greater, it becomes greater!

3) Adjustable resistance - in seconds you can lighten or increase the resistance. This means you can match bodyweight movements with precision resistance, can load or resist up to max loads thus giving covering all levels of strength training from endurance to power.

In general portable fitness equipment is in a league of its own. It's accessible, light weight and convenient but yet can generate max resistance loads if needed or maximum challenge of exercise if needed, it literally can do it all!! With portable fitness equipment you never need to stop your workouts because of business trips or vacations and working out at home with $1,000.00's of dollars of bulky equipment has become a thing of the past. Compare that with a mere $100 or so for all of the above listed portable fitness equipment. You can use portable fitness equipment to perform online training with any of the great sites out there, and achieve incredible results!

If you are interested or have any questions in our portable fitness equipment go to and have fun You can also join our online training, which includes daily workouts, nutrition, goal setting charts, videos of all exercises, all previous workouts, and workout & nutrition journals as well. So now you can train with us, anywhere, anytime, using our same Monkey Bar Gymnasium portable fitness equipment. Look forward to our Road Warriors Training DVD coming soon!
Jon Hinds, CNT Founder, CSCS, CPT, Former NBA Strength Coach, Trainer to the Stars, & inventor of the Power Jumper
Owner & Founder of the Monkey Bar Gymnasium
Monkey Bar Gymnasium
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The Importance of Respecting Your Sleep Rhythms

"I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?" - Ernest Hemingway

I have always loved sleep. As a child, and right through until the last couple of years, sleep has come easily. On the rare occasion that I did not find a hibernating level of slumber, I would easily recover it with a nap. I generally averaged 9 hours of sleep a night. I used to hear people talk about their problems with sleep and I felt sorry for them. Still, I felt even more sorry for the poor souls who did not see the use of sleep and found fatigue and sleep to be more of an inconvenience. It has been a couple of years now since the youngest of the kids started sleeping right through night. Nevertheless, I still find myself sleeping with one eye open.

While it is not entirely due to children, I am finding that I now struggle to reach a deep state of sleep and it seems to take a ridiculous amount of time to get there. I have started preparing for sleep as if I was entering a battle and the bed is the battlefield. To win this war, I try to set the stage for success. I cut my caffeine intake off early, I do some exercise everyday, and I even take a melatonin. I take sleep so seriously that I dedicated a chapter of it in the Ekahi Method.

Last night was another example of, despite setting the stage for sleep, I just could not get into the rhythm of sleep. I think I slept three or four hours last night. Fortunately I still have the ability to get an average amount of sleep with a late afternoon nap. I know that this can set a cycle of not being able to sleep later in the evening but I had to do something! It is amazing how lack a few hours of sleep can affect not only your mood but your coordination, cognitive processes, reaction times, balance, and more. On the drive home today, I felt inebriated. I cut off a driver by accident and felt like I was operating in another dimension. My late afternoon nap sorted me right out. Let's take a look at the research surrounding sleep.

How much is needed?
  • According to the Mayo Clinic, 7-8 hours a night for adults
Benefits of Sleep:
  • muscle growth and tissue repair
  • hormone release (growth hormone and melatonin)
  • brain development
  • lower metabolism - lower metabolism=longer life
Effects of not sleeping 7-8 hours:
  • higher mortality rate
  • poorer results on complex mental tasks
  • lab animals denied sleep for a few weeks have immune system failure and die
Tips for getting a good rest:
  • get 30 minutes or more of exercise during the day or early evening
  • an hour or more before you plan to lie down, start turning off the lights. Stimulating the retina with light prevents the release of melatonin (a hormone related to serotonin to make you sleepy)
  • sleep in a dark room - any light source can prevent you from reaching a deep sleep
  • good air flow - if possible, try to have air moving in your room
  • cut the caffeine at least 3 hours before bed
  • turn the cell phone off and move it away from your head
  • try a melatonin. These supplements can be purchased over the counter at most health food stores and druggists. Ask your health practitioner about it.
Respect your rhythms:
  • it is true that we all have different sleep rhythms
  • if your natural inclination is to go to bed early and rise early, set the sleep stage for that to happen
  • If you prefer to stay up later and wake up later - I hope you have found an accommodating career and lifestyle
Now if you will excuse me, I must start preparing to gain the upper hand in the war for more sleep tonight.
See more at
Book is coming out soon!
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How to Buy Fitness Equipment for Home Use - Tips and Suggestions

Are you planning to buy fitness equipment to use at home, but you don't know where to start? In what follows we will discuss a few questions to ask yourself before you set off to shop for home gym machines - we hope we can help you select the machine that will serve you right for a long time, allowing to enjoy physical exercise and to get into shape quickly.

What Type of Exercise Do You Enjoy the Most?
As a general rule, you should buy fitness equipment that you have already tried and you know for sure you will enjoy using it. There are dozens of different fitness machines available nowadays - whatever you enjoy doing, you can find the right equipment.
If you enjoy cardiovascular exercise, like power walking or jogging, you should buy equipment that facilitates that type of movement. You can have a look at treadmills or elliptical trainers that are designed for home use or you can buy an exercise bike.
If you prefer strength training, you can go for benches, dumbells or power towers and set up your own home gym with a few accessories. If you like to combine cardio with strength training, you can have a machine that offers both, like a rowing machine.

Health Aspects
If you buy fitness equipment for home use, don't forget that you will probably not have a personal trainer by your side each time you step on your treadmill or lay on your bench to pump some iron. Your safety is the most important aspect, even more important than getting fit or losing weight, so if you have weak joints or back problems, take care to choose a low-impact machine like an elliptical trainer or a bike.

How Much Space Do You Have?
You must also consider the space available in your home. Nowadays you can easily buy fitness equipment that can be folded for easy storage, but you need to make accurate measurements in your home to see if the machine you want to buy fits in. When you make the measurements, you should take into calculation all the positions of the machine and count in all the possible accessories as well.

How Much Can You Afford to Spend on Your Home Gym?
Home fitness machines can cost anything from a few hundred dollars to thousands. If you are on a budget, you can check seller websites - online shops announce sales regularly, so if you are patient, you can find a great bargain; sometimes even the delivery to your home is offered for free.

If you take into consideration all these aspects, you will surely be able to choose the machine that fits your fitness needs and your possibilities the best. Shopping online is a great solution to put your home gym together within minutes, so don't hesitate to check the offers of Australia's number one online seller of fitness machines.

We have a wide range of reliable, brand-name products from bells to treadmills and from bikes to strength trainers, and their prices are very convenient. Our fitness specialists are well aware how difficult it is to make the right choice, so if you want to buy fitness equipment for your home that is safe and enjoyable to use, we will help you choose wisely.

Want to exercise in your home in comfort? Buy your exercise and fitness equipment online at Australia's Premier Online Store for Gym and Fitness Equipment!

7 Free Beauty Tips- Face And Body

Here are 7 free beauty tips and guidelines to make your face and body care so much easier:

Free beauty tip #1:
To clean facial skin without doing damage, do not scrub. Rather, use a gentle, oil and fragrance free cleanser, preferably one that is pH balanced.
For oily skin use a cleanser that contains benzoil peroxide or salicylic acid. Unless your skin is oily, avoid toner as this can dry out the skin.

Free beauty tip #2:
Invest in a magnifying mirror to closely scrutinize your facial skin. It will then be easy to identify enlarged pores on the central parts of the cheeks as well as blackheads in the area of the nose.

Free beauty tip #3:
Emergency treatment for puffy eyes: If you need to eliminate puffy eyes in a hurry, chill two teaspoons in the fridge, then place the hollow sides over closed eyes for a few minutes.
Alternatively, take two chamomile tea bags that have cooled after being steeped in boiling water, and place them over the eyes for a few minutes.

Free beauty tip #4:
Neck Area: While much time and attention is lavished on the face, the neck area needs as much care and consideration. Include the neck area in your skincare routine.

Free beauty tip #5:
To get the day off to a healthy start, make a drink from boiling water and the juice of one lemon.
Add some finely chopped ginger for further interest. Apart from being a good source of Vitamin C, this will cleanse the liver and get your metabolism going.

Free beauty tip #6:
Home Made Salt Rub: Feel renewed by making your own salt rub with a mixture of coarse salt and gentle liquid soap. Using a loofah mitt, apply the mixture all over the body in the shower and rinse the suds thoroughly.
Pat the body dry and then apply a body cream or oil to leave your body soft and smooth. (Do not use products containing alpha hydroxy acids to avoid irritating the skin)

Free beauty tip #7:
Make foot care a part of your shower routine. Keep a pumice stone in the shower and smooth away any calluses which may start forming, dry skin on the heels or balls of the feet, or rough skin on the edge of the toes.
Gentle, regular care will keep unsightly foot problems at bay.

Mike offers excellent discounts on beauty products for ingrown hair, hair removal, fast hair growth, and light hold day long hair control:
Free acne research library:
Free laser hair removal research library:

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Asthma And A Management Plan For Physical Activity At School

Approximately one in every 15 students today has asthma, which is up significantly from 20 years ago. However, with good treatment and recognition of their triggers, students with asthma are still able to be physically active at school.

Asthma is a condition and disease where the bronchioles and alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs become constricted not allowing air to be released. The asthmatic student can get air in but can't exhale adequately. The lungs become overly inflated with air that no longer has oxygen to be delivered to the body.

Asthma and physical activity go hand in hand with proper planning and management.
Although asthma can restrict physical activities it doesn't have to contradict physical activity. Physical fitness is an important goal for all students. Physical fitness increases the chances that the student will maintain fitness as they grow into adulthood and decrease their chance of becoming overweight adults, which has a negative impact on an individual's response to asthma.

A partnership between students, teachers, parents, coaches, doctors and physical education teachers to manage and control asthma will increase the student's chance of remaining active. Part of that partnership is the asthma management plan. That plan recognizes the triggers or factors that make a student's asthma worse or causes an episode.

Asthmatics should avoid and control activating triggers.
Some common triggers that are factors in an asthma episode include exercise, mould, allergies, upper respiratory infections, irritants, cigarette smoke, cleaning solutions, perfumes and paints. Some of these triggers can be avoided while others may only be limited. In either case they should be included in the management plan for any child with asthma.
Another part of the management plan includes access to medications that used to treat asthma attacks. Children with asthma require access to rescue medications during their attacks. Using a management plan will increase the chances that the student will remain active during the school year and develop good fitness characteristics that will take them through life.

Physical activity at school should be modified to match the student's current lung status. 

Their status can be evaluated using a peak flow meter. The goal is to keep the students included in the activities even if they aren't able to perform the physical activities. Students can be the time keeper, score keeper or equipment manager until their health improves.
Students with asthma are more successful remaining physically active when an asthma action plan is used. The management plan should include the students medical history, their individual symptoms, how to contact the parents and health care providers, normal peak flow numbers, triggers, medications and signed by the parent/guardian and student. The plan should have the student involvement during the development, because with the student's participation they will be more likely to follow the plan.

The final piece of the management plan should be complete access to rescue medications. Students should be able to access their medications, administer them and determine when they need them. Teachers and coaches should not only know the student's triggers but also the symptoms that require immediate action such as coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, chest tightness or low peak flow readings.

When the symptoms of asthma appear during or following physical activity at school the student should stop the activity, use their inhaler and be taken for emergency help if they don't improve. Remaining physically active at school is an important piece to improved physical fitness for students to continue their fitness growth.

Russell (Rusty) Hart is the founder of the Health, Fitness & Sport Club, an online network of websites devoted to the promotion of health, fitness and wellness. The sites encompass a wide variety of health and fitness activities including general health matters, pilates, yoga, crossfit, treadmill training, running, kettlebell, swimming, and more. Also covered is healthy eating which deals with subjects such as juicing and the Paleo Diet. Those interested can visit the HF & S Club home site at

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Are Facials Good for Acne?

Like any medicine, facials can work for acne depending on the ingredients within them. The American Chronicle states that the more chemicals you put on your face, the more you will have to deep clean it and it recommends that you test out any acne facial on a small patch of skin before beginning the acne treatment.

  1. Over the Counter Facials

    • Several companies produce over the counter acne facials that you can pick up for under $10 at your local drugstore. While some people swear by this, these products will generally not improve severe acne. The facials may clean out your pores a little bit, but since these products are produced on a large scale, they will contain too much or too little acne fighting ingredients, rendering them less than useful.

    Jessner's Peel

    • This type of peel is an acne facial that removes the outer layer of your skin with resorcinal, lactic acid and salicylic acid. While these facials work temporarily, it is often painful to remove them.


    • This technique can be done either in home or at your local doctor's office. Aluminum hydroxide crystals are rubbed into your skin to clear away dirt and excess oil. You can expect to see results after about 10 treatments. You can choose to go to a doctor's office for more effective results, or do the procedure in home by purchasing a kit from your local spa or salon.

    Levulan Kerastick

    • Levulan Kerastick is placed on your skin and given 30 to 40 minutes to set in. After the time has passed, a Clearlight is shone on the face to kill bacteria and set the Levulan in motion. This procedure is moderately painful, but is effective.

    Make Your Own Mask

    • Make your own mask by taking some uncooked oatmeal (about 1/2 a cup) and placing it in warm water. Place on your face and allow to sit for 15 minutes. Scrub off with a slightly textured cloth to exfoliate your skin.
      By combining 1 teaspoon of warm honey, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of minced garlic and five drops of lavender oil, you can make your acne become less noticeable. Mix in a little milk with your concoction (just enough to make it all stick) and put on your face for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and a textured cloth.

How to Treat Acne Fast

Acne can be a persistent problem for some people, especially through adolescenc. Many acne treatments are available at a dermatologist's office or even over the counter at stores. Some help treat acne, with results seen in a few days, while some treatments take many sessions, over a period of a month, to show results. Solutions containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid can reduced the swelling of acne pimples overnight. The concentration of the two ingredients also determines how quickly they can treat the problem. 


    • 1
      Use products containing salicylic acid. Face washes and exfoliators will slough off dead cells on the surface of the skin. Salicylic acid helps treat acne in a way that it prevents the pores from getting clogged by an accumulation of dead skin cells.

    • 2
      Use face scrubs that contain salicylic acid. The beads or grit within the scrub will also help to exfoliate dead cells so that they do not linger on the skin, clogging the pores.

    • Look for acne products containing 2 percent benzoyl peroxide. Higher concentrations of the ingredient may treat acne with faster results, but a higher concentration may cause side effects such as redness to the skin. Benzoyl peroxide acts faster than salicylic acid because it penetrates deep into the skin to eliminate bacteria and oil. Apply acne solutions containing benzoyl peroxide to the affected area or directly on the pimple.

    • 4
      Use creams or lotions containing benzoyl peroxide. Face washes containing the ingredient act effectively for treating acne, but the cream solutions respond faster because they remain on your skin for a longer period of time.

    • 5
      Apply the cream to the affected area and not all over the face. If you have a few pimples, you can apply the solution to pimple directly. Since benzoyl peroxide can be drying to the face, apply the solution directly to the pimples.

Pre-Acne Treatment Facial Mask: How to Get Rid of Pimples

Acne treatment: Learn about applying a facial mask before steaming your skin to cleanse the pores in this free skin care video.

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy Foods

As a natural foods chef, it is hard enough trying to get adults to eat healthy. Getting children to eat fruits and vegetables seems almost impossible. If all your child wants to eat are chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, pizza, mac and cheese and mashed potatoes-don't fret and don't beat yourself up! It isn't too late to undo some of the damage. You just have to be a little bit creative, a little bit sneaky and very patient. If you take the time now to incorporate healthy foods into your child's diet-you'll save them from a lifetime of difficulty trying to create a healthy lifestyle. Plus, children who are on a healthy diet have more energy, more focus and are more even-tempered-which is giving yourself a gift too. Here are my suggestions for some fun and healthy eating.


  1. How to Sneak in Healthy Foods

    • 1
      Puree small amounts of spinach and add to ground beef in hamburgers, gradually increasing the amount each time. When topped with cheese and low sugar ketchup, there is very little taste difference.
    • 2
      Serve with oven-baked fries by thinly slicing potatoes, tossing in olive oil and salt and pepper and baking at 400 degrees F for 30 minutes until crisp.
    • 3
      When making mac and cheese, use rice or wheat pasta with lots of cheese, but buy a brand that isn't very dark brown so they won't catch on.

    How to Make it Fun and Get Your Kids Involved

    • 4
      Cut up cubes of fruit and provide skewers, marshmallows and melted chocolate to make fun fondue.
    • 5
      Prepare a taco bar, but let kids decide what to put on their tacos. Provide cheeses, salsa, guacamole, lettuce. You can encourage them to make good choices, but letting them do the actual work makes them feel included and independent.

    How to Camouflage Food

    • 6
      Incorporate well-cooked cauliflower into mashed potatoes by combining with butter, milk and salt. Mash really well for a healthy starch that will fool anyone.
    • 7
      Finely chop red peppers and tomatoes and mix into meatloaf and Sloppy Joes. Kids won't even notice the added vegetables, but will notice the added FLAVOR!
    • 8
      For a healthier pizza, puree cooked vegetables into marinara sauce and top with shredded mozzarella on a store-bought pizza dough.
    • 9
      Mix corn kernels with finely chopped cooked yellow squash, add butter and salt and revamp a kid's favorite.

    How to Work With What They Already Like

    • 10
      Add healthy elements to foods your child already eats. There are many kid-friendly foods that have the potential to be much healthier.
    • 11
      Blend bananas and antioxidant-rich blueberries into smoothies.
    • 12
      Mix real fruits and vegetables such as bananas, berries and mashed sweet potatoes into muffins, and serve with a real fruit spread.
    • 13
      Use whole grain bread for grilled cheese sandwiches and toast well so your children won't notice the darker color.
    • 14
      Make healthy french toast using whole grain bread dipped in egg and covered with fruit, powdered sugar and maple syrup.